The owners of a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) in Southeast Florida were experiencing outrageous property taxes because the local county property appraiser believed the value of the property was millions of dollars more than the fair market value of the property. Pivotal toured the property, discussed the issues with the client, consulted with local appraisers in order to gather the evidence necessary to advocate for the owners. The property appraiser took a hardline and was not easy to work with. However, Pivotal was able to negotiate an agreeable settlement between the county and the owners by bringing to the table independent market information that was convincing to the county property appraiser.
Pivotal was able to save the owners over $425,000 in property taxes as a result of their efforts.
Our family owned company has done business this way for over 25 years. We want to be your counselor, partner, and strong advocate.