Welcome to Pivotal Tax News! Here you will find posts about the latest information related to state and local property tax, sales and use tax, credits and incentives, and legislative activity.
Miami Beach Convention Center unveils $615 million renovation project
Plans to bring the aging Miami Beach Convention Center up to date were unveiled at a media event Thursday. Construction begins on the $615 million...
How High Are Property Taxes in Your State?
Top 10 Worst States New Jersey Illinois New Hampshire Connecticut Wisconsin Texas Nebraska Michigan Vermont Rhode Island Top 10 Best States Hawaii...
Congratulations Representative Warren Petersen on Winning 2015 Legislator of the Year
The Legislator of the Year award was implemented to recognize local Arizona legislators who are making a positive difference for the commercial real...
Hos Hoskins Warning Arizona Residents about the True Implications of Prop 117
Many metro Phoenix homeowners likely frowned or grimaced after receiving their latest property-tax bills in the mail. Property taxes on an average...

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